Because our business IS business.
The mission of BNI is to help its members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “word-of-mouth” program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals. That’s a big, long mouthful of words! What it boils down to is that belonging to BNI is like having dozens of sales people working for you, because all of us carry several copies of your business cards around with us. When we meet someone who could use your products or services, we take out your card and recommend you. It’s as simple as that!
Because BNI’s methods are time-tested.
Successful businesses rely on word-of-mouth referrals. Why? Because word-of-mouth is the most productive and most cost-effective kind of advertising there is. BNI’s structured environment fosters the development of trust between members; when you trust that a fellow member will produce good results, you are much more likely to refer that member. And BNI has a training program in place that helps all members give, and receive, better referrals, not just leads or cold calls. Maybe most importantly, this system has been in place for over 30 years, so it is fine-tuned and tested. It works!
Because BNI allows only one person per profession.
Allowing only one person per professional specialty means that once you have joined a chapter, you have effectively locked out your competition. For example, if you are a residential real estate agent and you join a chapter, all residential home buyers and sellers will be referrred to you, and no other residential agent can join. (Compare this to a chamber of commerce where there are many, many others in the same profession.) A commercial real estate agent would be able to join, however, as that is considered another specialty — and in truth would likely result in additional referrals for you as well!
Because the bottom line is your bottom line.
BNI’s methods are proven to increase your closed business. Not only will you increase your business exposure by developing a network of business partners, but you will have the opportunity to become a resource for your clients, improve your presentation skills, participate in joint marketing efforts, train an effective “sales team”, gain valuable feedback on your business, and so much more!
Because (and this one’s not in all the manuals) it’s fun!
Becoming part of a focused group of professionals like the Business Power Network is good for your business, but it’s also good for you! Many of the relationships you’ll develop will turn into long-term friendships, and you’ll find that the chapter meeting becomes the highlight of your day. You’ll pick up tips from other members about how to run a successful business, and you’ll find yourself becoming more driven, not only to succeed in your business, but to help others succeed in theirs. “What goes around, comes around” is how the saying goes, but you’ll find that “what comes around, goes around” is just as true as well. That’s why BNI’s philosophy of Givers Gain really works!