Business Power Network

Who We Are

Business Power Network is a group consisting of business owners, sales professionals, and service providers from all walks of life. We meet regularly to learn more about each other’s businesses and pass referrals to one another. We work together within a structured and focused environment that produces proven results. We believe in BNI’s philosophy of Giver’s Gain, and feel that membership in BNI will have a positive effect on our businesses and on ourselves. We voluntarily adhere to BNI’s Contract for Profitability and Code of Ethics, and donate our time and expertise to promote and grow our chapter. Why do we do all this? Because BNI works!

Come and network with us, and see for yourself how effective we are in producing tangible results. Over the years, we have generated millions of dollars in closed business for our members. We would love to have you join us in attempting to top that total this year! We invite anyone to our meeting who is interested in building a trusted referral network for their business. As a visitor, you will have an opportunity to tell us something about your business and find out how to start getting qualified business referrals. Be sure to visit our Member Directory to find out more about the dynamic individuals who make up our chapter… and could become a part of your extended sales team.

Where We Meet

Twin Oaks Country Club – Mulligan Room
(east end of the main complex)
1020 E. Republic Road
Springfield MO 65807