I am a BIG fan of BNI in the United Kingdom. I feel that they are ahead of the curve in many ways when it comes to what BNI chapters can do to market themselves, but most particularly in the use of video. Witness this short and sweet “teaser” video created for the Yorkshire region’s annual conference in 2010:
BNI Conference Ident from thelittlegenie on Vimeo.
Good stuff, that. Got me pumped up for our own annual conference, coming up in just a little over three weeks. I just wish that Mike Tobin, et al, spoke with these wonderful British accents!
If you haven’t yet done so, register for the conference by clicking this link. Remember, our chapter will reimburse you up to $40 after you attend, so if you register prior to Sept. 17th, you can go for free! So, what are you waiting for, mate?