Ever hear the term “you reap what you sow”? Well, that applies to BNI as well. If you become an active member of BNI and participate regularly in 1-2-1s, Power Teams, MSP and various social events, you will reap the benefits. If you simply come to the weekly chapter meetings and do nothing else, you will see a smaller return. Don’t think for a minute that since you paid your annual fee and monthly dues, you are entitled. It doesn’t work that way.
The “Giver’s Gain” philosophy truly works if you put forth the effort. Those members who are committed to developing a bond with their fellow members will be successful in growing their business. You have to invest the time to get to know other members and their businesses. You must develop a mutual respect for one another over time. Once that happens, you will experience the wonders of “Giver’s Gain”. The more effort you put forth, the more you will receive. It is that simple.
Mike Ferguson
Chapter President 2010-2011